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Tailored for developers and collaborative coding, Github offers a familiar platform for software professionals. By integrating Github authentication, your product provides developers with a seamless login experience, leveraging their trust in the platform.

How to setup the Github auth provider

To enable Github (opens in a new tab) as an auth provider, you will need to register an OAuth app through github. Follow the official github guide (opens in a new tab) for up to date instructions on how to do this.

When creating your new github oauth app, you will need to provide an application name, homepage url and callback url. Then click "Register Application"

If you are unsure on how to find your callback URL in the Saascannon Dashboard (opens in a new tab), follow our guide on how to find your callback url for auth providers

Screenshot of the github create oauth application form

Once you have created the Github oauth app, you will need to generate a new client secret.

Screenshot of the newly created github oauth app with an arrow pointing to the generate new client secret button

You now have everything you need to enable github logins in your saascannon tenant. Make a note of your new client ID and client Secret which have been displayed on your screen.

Screenshot of the github oauth app page with the client id and newly generated client secret

Paste your new client credentials into the enable dialog in the saascannon dashboard then click the "Enable Github Auth Integration" button.

Screenshot of the completed enable github auth provider form in the saascannon dashboard

Congratulations! Users will now be able to login and link their accounts with Github accounts in your saascannon tenant.

Screenshot of the saascannon tenant login form with Github enabled