Comprehensive Access Control
Build the permissions system that works for you with Saascannon's flexible access control system. Easily setup roles and permissions for your application then assign them to users via the purpose built Saascannon dashboard or integrate with payment providers to grant access automatically on payment.

Json Web Tokens (JWT)
Utilising JWTs for stateless access checks allows for high throughput and offline verification.
Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
The gold standard of access control, restrict access with custom roles and permissions.
Payment Integrations
Native payment integrations allow for automatic, instant access via subscriptions.
Full Flexibility
Unopinionated and flexible for an access syetem that fits your product needs.
Permissions and Roles
Anything and everything can be guarded by permissions, these can be defined with as much granularity as your application requires. Alongside this, roles can be defined to group permissions and assign them in bulk.
Integrate with plans
Assign roles and permissions to plans, granting access to those who are subscribed via saascannon's payment integrations or granted in the dashboard. This flexibility lets you grant access on your own terms whether you prefer a manual approach to onboarding clients or running on autopilot. You might like a bit of both so you can really go the extra mile for your enterprise customers, you're in complete control.
Early Access
We're excited to launch but we want to get it right, so we are looking for early adopters to try out the platform for free. Register your interest below.